COSARICA brand is updated

The brand has renewed its corporate identity by modernizing both its packaging and the individual labelling of the product.
Caja Sandías

The restyling of the renowned brand represents a rejuvenation of its visual code, through the incorporation of a more relaxed and natural colour range that links and relates it in a much more direct and effective way with its origin, characteristics and properties.

This change, which affects both its range of melons and watermelons, is focused on ensuring that the brand, widely recognized in the market both for the quality of the products marketed under its seal and for its long and successful track record, is more easily identifiable by the sector, as well as the objective of reinforcing its brand image.

Along the same lines, a COSARICA STAR label has been designed to identify melons and watermelons carefully selected for their extraordinary qualities.

A label that denotes the high quality of a product that receives the distinction of our team of experts to be part of this exclusive selection.

The new boxes and labels are already available, and will be served in the next deliveries of COSARICA products that the market requests.

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