Huelva berry statistics

The official report by the Andalusian Government at the start of the campaign points out that the surface area of strawberry crops has remained stable for many years now.

In this campaign, just over 6,500 hectares are recorded compared to the 6,777 hectares of 2021. The prices at source of strawberries in recent weeks have been slightly lower than those of 2021, while production costs have risen by around 30%.

This year, 35 different strawberry varieties are being cultivated in the province of Huelva, although most of these make up insignificant percentages. The presence of Florida Fortuna by EmcoCAL is worth mentioning, which for many years has been the favourite with the Huelva producers, while there are also important percentages of other varieties such as Rociera by FNM, Palmerita by Masiá Ciscar, Marimbella by NSG or Candela.


Unlike the strawberry situation, raspberries have experienced a cutback of around 16% in crop surface area in recent years. However, the production is now on the rise, campaign after campaign, due to the fact that the producers are increasingly using day-neutral varieties that allow two harvests to be made each year.

In this campaign, the prices at source of raspberries between the end of September and mid-December are at their lowest since the Price and Market Observatory has started keeping records. The average kilo of raspberries is around 4.35 euros, a long way from the 6€/kilo of the 2018/2019 campaign and y 65 cents less than in the same period of the last campaign.

This is the general tonic that is being recorded for this product over the last campaigns, where the average value per campaign in general, has decreased.

It is worth mentioning that in December, the average value of raspberries made a slight recovery, although it continues to be lower than the average value for the past few years.


Crop surface area for bilberries has increased the most of all red berries that are grown in the province of Huelva. This area is now getting close to 4,000 hectares and all the indicators are pointing towards the fact that it will continue to increase.

The same evolution is being seen with the marketed fruit, as new hectares continue to come into production and others reach their maximum production yields.

The price at source of this fruit, on the other hand, is following an irregular line, moving backwards and forwards, around 4€/kilo.

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