Profile of the month

Vicente Bayona Pérez

Aboard the Star Mizy

We chose a bad day, a day with strong gusts of a westerly wind that later veered round to the east. However, the experience, although short, was worth it. We sailed out a few miles from Puerto Siles while our interview took place.
In 1956, Vicente Bayona Pérez was born into the heart of a family that had been devoted to the citrus fruit growing business for almost a century, in Quart de Les Valls (Valencia).

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No beating around the bush

No beating around the bush

Ill at ease talking about his life, it took me months, or rather, years, to convince him. In fact, I gave up and one Friday I caught him off his guard and he agreed. Finally, I arranged to meet him at La Monacilla de Aljaraque golf club (Huelva).

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El hombre discreto

A discreet man

His elegant bearing, along with an air of shyness, gives him a definite air of aloofness, but this is far from the truth when you get to know him. He is a discreet, very sentimental person. We have often seen him with tears in his eyes when he talks about his family or his company.

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Félix Moracho. Huercasa Country Festival

Savouring life

Félix Moracho is an easy-going, articulate man, who speaks knowledgably and swears at just the right moment in the conversation. He invited me into his office for a short presentation and in the end my recorder showed an interesting chat lasting an hour and 50 minutes. On finishing, he handed over the CDs by the latest guests at the Huercasa Country Festival: The Mavericks, Sam Outlaw, Ryan Bingham and Whitney Rose.

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